Sunday, August 20, 2006

Bad Habits

Me? Are you kidding? I don't have any bad habits!

Excuse me while I duck to avoid lightening striking. Whew, now I'll 'fess up.

I am notorious for my bad habits. To avoid writing a novel by going into detail, I decided to just list some of them. Okay, I *might* explain on some of 'em.

-I'm VERY picky and VERY stubborn.
-I smoke. I know I should quit. I plan to quit. But I *enjoy* it.
-I pick at my fingernails and tear them off when I'm stressed.
-I'm THE world's worst procrastinator, especially when it comes to medical check-ups. The Hub makes sure I don't gaff them off for long, though.
-I'm HORRIBLE about keeping in touch with people. That goes back to that procrastination thing.
-I drink too much soda.
-I don't eat right.
-I don't exercise enough. As a matter of fact, I hate to exercise. Too bad I wasn't one of those people born with a metabolism that stays in high gear.
-I am way hard on myself.

So there you have it. It's not pretty, but it's me.


Blogger Tracey said...

I would have to agree with you ... you are hard on yourself. But I love you the way you are.

8/21/06, 1:59 AM  
Blogger Wendylicious said...

They may not be pretty, but YOU are!!!

8/21/06, 10:20 AM  
Blogger Sue said...

Do I see New Year's resolutions in this list?? Hey, it sound like lal the rest of us , girl!! Wayyy tooo hard on your self!! Doing good with the blog....glad you started yours.

8/21/06, 5:08 PM  

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