Playing catch-up
I've been slacking on my blog for a couple of days now, so I thought I'd take a few minutes to catch up.
Friday's topic was "fave outfit"
I don't really have one outfit, so much as a type of outfit that I love. In the summer, I love my denim capris, a tee or tank top, and my Skecher flippies. I have two pair of those shoes (for now), and I LOVE them so much. I wear 'em with shorts, jeans, skirts, doesn't matter. They're comfy and with the issues I have with my right foot, they are wonderful. *sigh* I just can't say enough good stuff about 'em. They're NOT made for long-distance walking, however. When trying to keep up with The Hub and his long strides, they will leave a blister or two. So I learned that when we're going on one of our marathon, sight-seeing, explorations, it's best that the Skechers stay home.
In the winter (or when we're on the Harley), I love my Levi jeans, my black, clunky, man-boots (think combat boot-ish), some misc. shirt, and a hoodie. Ah, another true love of mine. I rearranged my closet the other day, and I have at least 8 or 9 hoodies/polar fleece pull-overs in there. That doesn't include the ones that *really* belong to The Hub, but I wear 'em, too. Some are fleece, a couple are woven "Mexican blanket"-ish that I got in Mexico a few years ago, some zip, some are pullovers, but they're all cozy and comfy.
Saturday..."Must have's for your day"
This one's pretty simple and straight-forward. First and foremost, I MUST have my morning Dr. Pepper and a cigarette. (I know, bad me.) As soon as I get out of bed, wash my face, I head for the refrigerator, slip that can into my USMC coozie (we have several, but that one's MINE), and head to the garage for my morning smoke. (I don't smoke on the back deck in the mornings b/c the sun is KILLER and my eyes are way sensitive.)
Another "must have" is my computer. I've proven that I *can* live without it (when visiting my family who still live in the stone age), but it's not pleasant.
I absolutely, positively MUST HAVE a good-bye kiss from The Hub every morning. I don't get up with him b/c that's his time, but he always comes in to kiss me before he leaves. When he's deployed I obviously don't get those, but when he's home, there will be kisses every morning.
Gracie is a "must have" for me. She's our 6-yo calico cat that we've had since she was about 5 weeks old. We have our morning snuggle time where she sits in my lap while I watch the news. Bedtime is time for more snuggles, as she curls up under the top cover for a few minutes before going to her basket for the night. She's my baby and a HUGE part of our family. She's so smart and even does tricks! Yep, a cat that will sit up on her hind legs, reach for you with one front paw and meow when you tell her to remember her manners, and also jump into my arms when she wants to be carried (never will do it for The Hub, though).
The last "must have" for me comes about an hour before bedtime. 20mg of Requip. I have Restless Leg Syndrome, and trying to sleep without that dose at night is torture for me and The Hub. I hate to be dependent on a prescription, but nights are almost unbearable otherwise.
Dee, your wardrobe sound too comfy!! I bet your hoodies are great...makes me want one just reaing your description.
Sorry about your RLS...must be a pain in the a#@!! Shame shame that a ciggie is a must!! You and my husband..tsk, tsk. LOL.
TFS :)
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