Thursday, June 05, 2008

What's an Island Girl without a boat?

Just a girl who's STUCK. That's been me for a while now, but we've remedied the situation. The Hub and I have been wanting another boat since we moved back home. After a long search and several prospects that just didn't feel right, we have a winner.

We went to James Island (outside Charleston) on Monday to look at it, and The Hub, Breeze, and Mom went to get it yesterday afternoon. I was taking a Pergamano class, so I couldn't go. When I got home, there she was.

Check her out! We're taking her out on her maiden voyage on Saturday. Thanks again, Donna and Keith! We look forward to y'all coming down to visit.

And yes, she's almost as tall as the house. If we didn't have this goofy low-pitch roof with no attic, it wouldn't be an issue. Someday we'll be able to remedy *that*!


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