Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Scrappy Snacks

Today's topic challenge is snacks while scrapbooking. I have such a bad sweet tooth all the time. I really should make an effort to snack healthier. Yeah, there are a lot of things I *should* do.

Normally I keep a stash of Smarties in my craft room. I ran out before we moved and haven't replenished my stock. ::gasp! Oh, the horror!:: Now that 'tis the season for Halloween candy to be displayed everywhere you look, I'll have to buy a GI-NORMOUS bag of 'em.

I unroll those little gems of bliss on my craft table, spread the wrapper out flat, and let them scatter all over. How I avoid getting ink, paint, glue, or embossing powder all over them escapes me, but I've been lucky so far. :knocking on wood: They are the king hoo-yah's of scrappy snacks!

I bought a bag of Sweet-Tarts and Sprees last week, but I'm just not loving them as much. The Sweet-Tarts are too hard, and by the time I eat a few, the roof of my mouth feels like it's been raked with a cheese grater. The Sprees are just "eh". I don't love them and don't hate them.

Lately I've been snacking on plain M&M's when I work. I LOVE M&M's! They aren't as good for snackiness while scrapping as the Smarties, though. You see, I like my M&M's melty and gooey on the inside. And the ad geniuses are full of hooey. They DO melt in your hand, and you get little blotches of color all over your palms and fingertips. So worth it, but I don't want little blobs of color all over my work, so I'm forced to eat them in their non-melty state. They just don't taste as good that way.

So I'm a Smarties girl all the way. Smarties are goooood. Need more Smarties.


Blogger Sue said...

M&M's, uhmmm. You aren't the only one that likes them...Nesa does too. I can't do the sour thing these days...I used to eat lemonheads (hard candy) all the about eating the roof of your mouth up!! LOL

8/30/06, 8:05 PM  
Blogger Nesa said...

mm...smarties. i always wondered why they called them that though, they don't make you any smarter (at least not in my case). now sweetarts and sprees. music to my ears.

and don't you know that those small splotches of m&m colors on your hands are perfect for altering your layouts? LOL.

so i guess when i see you i need to bring smarties for you and corona for the HUB?

9/1/06, 5:10 PM  

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