Saturday, October 28, 2006


I am the QUEEN of procrastination. For some reason, I put things some things off until I'm down to the wire on getting them done. Once again, I'm faced with a short deadline. The USMC Ball is ONE WEEK from today, and I *just* bought the pattern for my dress this afternoon. Did I buy fabric? No. I'll probably get around to that Tuesday. We'll see how good a seamstress I really am, huh? The Hub swears that my work comes out better when I'm under pressure than if I take my time.

So why do some of us procrastinate? What is it in the cranial wiring that makes some of us wait until the last minute? I'm no psychiatrist, so I can't answer that question. I guess it's just another one of those mysteries of life. Oh, well.

So I'm going to be really busy this week. I just hope the pattern I picked isn't *too* intense. I've been known to get frustrated with a project and throw it in the garbage. That's where The Hub (and my mom when I was a kid) come to the rescue. They always fish it out of the garbage, lay it beside my sewing machine, and give a lot of encouragement because they know I'll come back to finish it up. Gotta love a support system like that.


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