Thursday, April 19, 2007

So many thoughts and so much to say

So where do I begin?

First of all, my heart goes out to all the Hokies and their families and friends.
Second, I'm disgusted that the media keeps airing the vile filth that sick, demented man spewed. By replaying it over and over, they're aiding him in reaching back from beyond the grave to hurt people all over again. Enough already! Do you not realize how many high school loners and outcasts see that and consider following suit?? I know b/c the threats have been made HERE TODAY in this very small town. Do you not remember the outbreak of school shootings that were going on several years ago? Did you media jackasses sell your souls and your consciences?? I could rant for DAYS on that topic, but I'll spare you. Besides, I've been battling a headache for the past 4 days, and I really don't want my blood pressure going thru the roof and making it worse.

So on to some hopefully good news. The wheels are set in motion as of this morning. I made the phone calls necessary to begin the process of becoming a homeowner again! The Hub and I have found a house, and I have our realtor checking into it. I've given "Mortgage Man" the heads up to be available when I need him and to start his side of the deal. After being scarily close to a breakdown yesterday, I woke this morning with a refreshed state of mind. I *CAN* do this. I *WILL* buy a house and move home. I *WILL* move myself (with a little help from family and friends).

On the craft front, I do have a couple of things finished up to post on my craft blog. I don't know how non-crafty people cope. I'd be in a padded corner with a drool cup somewhere if I didn't have this creative escape to get my mind off the mundane, stressful yucks.

I'm still trying to compose my thoughts on "green" crafters. They've made me think differently about a lot of things, so that'll have to be a post for another day.


Blogger Wendylicious said...

I so need to know what "green" crafters are !!!!!

4/22/07, 12:52 PM  

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