Wow, long time no talk
Not a lot to say, really, but I'll catch you up on life in the Lowcountry.
Since I posted last, The Hub and I have both gone under the knife. I've recovered well, and he's on his way to recovery.
I've started a local knit and crochet group. We're still VERY small, but I'm hoping our numbers will grow.
Still teaching classes at the LSS.
Family life is unchanged.
Only one renovation lately. I bought a new a/c for our bedroom yesterday, so we put that in and spiffed up the surrounding window by making it NOT a window anymore. It will be a recessed shadowbox over the a/c. Still need to sling sheetrock mud, paint, and build the frame and shelves.
I found a bit of interesting reading this morning. For anyone who doesn't "get" what life is like with fibro or many other diseases and ailments, you SHOULD read this. It's the best description I've ever run across. The author has lupus, but the story relates to so many other things. Check it out here. It's a PDF file, so you'll need Acrobat Reader.
The Spoon Theory
That's about all I have for now. I'm off to veg in front of the TV and do some knitting.