Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Remodel pics *finally*

So, they've been done for a little bit now, but I'm just getting around to posting the pics. The craft room and hall bath are DONE!!!

First, this is the before pic of the craft room...hideous, huh? That green carpet came out the day we closed, but that left me with a bare concrete floor. It was still better than that nasty stuff, though.

Now, the same side of the room...
This is the opposite wall. The table at the farthest end of the room is the one The Hub built for me. There's a shelf underneath with 5 of those 2-drawer storage carts (minus the wheels) and under the shelf are my baskets of fabric.
And shelves! With bins all labeled nice and neatly. The cabinet on the wall back there was the bar I ripped out of the kitchen on closing day. The Hub took the countertop off, flipped it, and hung it on the wall for me.

And I LOVE my new floor!! Instead of doing ceramic tile again, we found this peel and stick vinyl tile stuff, and I had to have it. Easy peasy, quick, and it looks like the real deal.

Now for the hall bath. This was the remodel project from HELL, I tell ya! It kicked our asses majorly, but I'm so glad we did it.

Here's the before pic.

And now...totally redone from floor to ceiling.
Close-up of the new floor...
More storage...
New tub...Yay! No more depressing, ugly pink thing with shower doors!
New faucet and knobs...

AND!! My new washer and dryer came today! I friggin' LOVE these things. I'm in laundry heaven now b/c I can't hear them, the washer doesn't walk out in the middle of the floor, and the dryer doesn't squeak and whine like the old pair did.

So that's it! The last of the remodeling for a while. Baseboards still need to be done, but other than that, I'm off of the remodeling train for a while.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

We found a fort!

The Hub, Breeze, and I went for a drive today out to St. Helena Island. We wanted to see something we haven't seen before, so we headed out toward Land's End. It's so peaceful out there, and there are some beautiful houses and lots of farmland.

While we were out there, we went down a dirt road and found a FORT. We had no clue it was there. Turns out, it's called "Fort Fremont", a Spanish-American fort, and the county recently bought it with plans to clean it up and restore it. Check it out!

This is up on the second level.

And up on top.Off to the right in this picture, you get this view.

And if you follow the trail through the woods, down the embankment, you come to this.

Isn't that cool?! It was low tide, so the water was way out there. We walked along the beach for a bit, and of course I had to pick up some shells. I cannot set foot on a beach and not pick *something* up!

I had a flashlight in my purse, so we went all thru that fort. Some areas were pitch black in there, so when I'd snap a pic, I had no clue what was going to appear in my viewfinder. I hate that its been vandalized so much, so I hope Beaufort County works quickly to get her back to her original beauty.

Take off and go exploring sometime! Today proved that you just NEVER know what you may find. And all it cost us was some snacks and a little gas in the Jeep.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Summary of life at warp speed

A summary's about as good as it gets right now.

~Teaching at the LSS again. More classes with more sign-ups means more work, but it's cool to see someone light up when they "get" what you're teaching them.

~Doctors visits...trying to lay the groundwork and get all the tests out of the way for my hysterectomy. Tests, ultrasounds, labs, the works. I'm hoping to get that done in a few weeks, so maybe I won't have some of these female probs I've been dealing with.

~Flying trip to the ER when The Hub sliced his thumb half off. Sharp blades do a shitload of damage when they hit a knick in a metal straightedge.

~Bathroom remodel - We gutted the hallway bath and redid it from the floor up. New plumbing, tile, drywall, tub, sink, toilet, lights, towel bars, medicine cabinets, shower curtain rod, etc. That was one project that started out not so big and quickly turned into MAJOR renovation. Holy shit, I don't ever wanna do that again! Pics will come soon. I still have a few touchups to do.

~New craft room - We switched my craft room and Mom's bedroom around. We ripped out the ugly ass paneling that was on one wall and put up new drywall. New paint, new flooring, revamped cabinet, new craft table and sewing table (I found great deals on countertops at the Habitat ReStore). Once I get it all organized, I'll post pics.

~Oh, and let's not forget...HOSPITALIZATION. I have a narrowing in my esophagus and went in last Monday for a routine outpatient EGD (esophageal scope and dilation). Doc found an ulcer (shocker) and a hiatal hernia (no wonder I've been poppin' Rolaids like damn candy). I went home afterwards to sleep off the drugs and woke up around 9 that night feeling incredibly nauseous. Went to the bathroom and threw up what seemed like half of my body's supply of blood. Yeah, I know...gross, Dee, TMI. Anyway, The Hub rushed me to the ER, where I passed out. My BP dropped to 77/40 and my CBC was all jacked up. I lost so much blood that I was almost in need of a transfusion. Talk about some scary shit! Anyway, I spent the night and the next day in the hospital and was the subject of a few arguments between the doctors. The attending docs at the hospital thought I should stay, but my GI doc insisted that I be released. Seems that a blood vessel at the site of the dilation popped or got knicked or something. I'm okay now, but I'm still not back to 100%, but I'm *willing* myself to be well.

So that's part of life lately. All of that in addition to raising a teenage girl is keeping me on my toes these days!