Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wow, what a week it's been!

I went home to Beaufort Sunday on a mission. It was a complete media circus around the air station, but I was on the other side of town. Are you sitting down? Of course you are...who *stands* at their computer? Anyway, I went to look at a house, and made an offer. We're under contract!! Pending the appraisal and inspections, we'll be closing on June 1st.

We're paying about $30k less than any other semi-comparable places around there, and that means A LOT of work! Structurally, the house seems to be in great shape. It's just desperately in need of new flooring and updating. So on with the pics.

Here's the front view. There's practically no pitch to the roof, so it looks like a midget house. When we get ready to install central heat/air, that may have to be changed. It has window units and baseboard heaters that work really well.

The shed out back (which The Hub is *so* groovin' the idea of). That's my uber-cutie, sweetheart of a realtor in the pic.

The back patio, which will someday hopefully be glassed in to make a kick-ass Carolina room (that's a sunroom in every other part of the country).

And now for the "*gasp*, what the hell is Dee thinking??" parts. ;)

The kitchen is very small and WILL be one of the first things updated. Small I can deal with. The rest of it makes me cringe, but that can all be ripped out and redone.

Check out these insanely retro (but actually original) countertops! Don't know if you can tell, but that's that starburst whatever you call it design that was big in the 60's. Breeze says they look like spiders. Don't ya just LOVE that wallpaper there on that one wall? Yeah, can we say tile backsplash there?

This will be the office. Isn't that green carpet and awful paneling hideous?? OMG, that is SO going first!
Attached to this room is another room with that paneling and a concrete floor. The floor will be painted, and drywall will go up in place of that dark shit, and it will be transformed into my craft room. :::insert HUGE grin:::

PINK!!! At first this bathroom (well, both bathrooms) made me cringe and think, "Oh God, that HAS to go." But after further consideration, I really think I can work with it. The sinks will be replaced with ones that aren't hanging on the walls, but the tile is in really good shape. Those medicine cabinets will be history, though. *ick*
And because The Hub and I simply cannot pick a "normal" house, I'll show you some of the quirky things that made me either giggle or scratch my head in wonder.

There are tiny fences in random places around the back yard. We're talking 2ft tall fences. At first, I thought "dog run for a small dog", but there's a 4-5 inch gap *under* the fence.

There are also tiny gates that make NO sense at all. This one goes to the bird bath. Not so strange? Well, try this on for size. You can WALK AROUND the gate!!

Another tiny, non-sense gate is to this garden in the back. Notice that there's no FENCE around this garden, but there's a tiny little gate at the opposite end of it. Can you see it down there?
Oddity #3 (or 470,000 if you will) are these eyelets screwed into the concrete pad here. Yes, I understand that it's for the purpose of tying *something* down, but what is THAT shape that needs to be held down THAT strongly?? There are at least a dozen pair of those damn things!!

And because the old man loved gardening, there are TWO compost piles in the back corner.
So there you have it. Well, part of it. Am I crazy? Well, we've already established that a long time ago. But I really see the potential here and what this place can be. I guess time will tell, huh? Lowe's, Home Depot, the Habitat ReStore, and the discount building supply place up the road will ALL get to know me very well. They'll all probably giggle when they see me coming.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

So many thoughts and so much to say

So where do I begin?

First of all, my heart goes out to all the Hokies and their families and friends.
Second, I'm disgusted that the media keeps airing the vile filth that sick, demented man spewed. By replaying it over and over, they're aiding him in reaching back from beyond the grave to hurt people all over again. Enough already! Do you not realize how many high school loners and outcasts see that and consider following suit?? I know b/c the threats have been made HERE TODAY in this very small town. Do you not remember the outbreak of school shootings that were going on several years ago? Did you media jackasses sell your souls and your consciences?? I could rant for DAYS on that topic, but I'll spare you. Besides, I've been battling a headache for the past 4 days, and I really don't want my blood pressure going thru the roof and making it worse.

So on to some hopefully good news. The wheels are set in motion as of this morning. I made the phone calls necessary to begin the process of becoming a homeowner again! The Hub and I have found a house, and I have our realtor checking into it. I've given "Mortgage Man" the heads up to be available when I need him and to start his side of the deal. After being scarily close to a breakdown yesterday, I woke this morning with a refreshed state of mind. I *CAN* do this. I *WILL* buy a house and move home. I *WILL* move myself (with a little help from family and friends).

On the craft front, I do have a couple of things finished up to post on my craft blog. I don't know how non-crafty people cope. I'd be in a padded corner with a drool cup somewhere if I didn't have this creative escape to get my mind off the mundane, stressful yucks.

I'm still trying to compose my thoughts on "green" crafters. They've made me think differently about a lot of things, so that'll have to be a post for another day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I need what?

Borrowed this idea from Nesa.

According to Google, these are some of the things I need.

*Dee needs a bigger trophy cabinet. (Umm, why?)
*Dee needs anger management. (Nah, me? Really? ;) )
*Dee needs something special to wear "to the ball."
*Dee needs to make this look as real as possible. (hehehe...This one makes me giggle deviously.)
*Dee needs new ink. (Uh, what paper artist doesn't?)
*Dee needs to complete a series of gruelling training and qualifying races. (Yeah, but first I would need a new body.)
*Dee needs support.
*Dee needs to use another method.
*Dee needs Psycho Therapy. (Okay then. And here I thought I was just quirky.)
*DEE needs to be improved. (What?? You mean I'm not perfect already?)
*Dee needs to blow that shack while she can, while her soul is still intact. (Insert confused German Shepherd look here. By "shack", do you think it means North Carolina?)

I have to admit, this little exercise did cheer me up. So now it's your turn. Google your name with the word "needs", and see what Google says you need. Let me know your results!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Okay, stop the damn merry-go-round!

I'm ready to get off for a while!

Being everything to everybody freakin' sucks! I AM NOT SUPERWOMAN!! There, I said it. I can't carry the weight of everyone's world on my shoulders.

We're a little over a month into this deployment now. That means for over a month now,---
*I've only received emails, a handful of phone calls and TWO pictures of my best friend. I miss him so much that it physically hurts.
*I've had to be mom and dad to the girls.
*I've tried to keep bridges from being burned, ties from being severed, and keep way too many stinkin' balls in the air.
*I received a "Surprise! I'm moving there and I need you to find me a job and a place to live. But I promise I'll have my own life and won't be up your butt every day."
*I'm supposed to be saving every penny I can, but I find myself self-medicating with retail therapy. That leads to guilt, which leads to feeling even lower. Can you see the pattern here? MUST break that cycle.
*I'm going to sell the 'Vette. Don't have a coronary. The Hub said I could.
*We've decided that we don't want to wait 2 years to move home. BUT since The Hub doesn't come home til school's started after the summer, guess what that means. Yeah. I get to do *this* side of the real estate thing on my own. I already did the seller part by myself (and I kick myself daily for selling that house.) So that leaves me to wonder where exactly along the road that my fucking brain fell out of my head.
*As if all this weren't enough, I'm trying to lose weight.

I'm exhausted, over-stimulated from information overload, hungry, and I get to catch a stray cat tomorrow and take it to the shelter. Little bastard won't stay out of the fan housing of my engine. I'm *NOT* cleaning up that mess if I forget to pop the hood and check before starting the engine.

Calgon, take me away! *please???*

Friday, April 06, 2007

Change in lattitude and attitude

It's amazing what a change in location can do for the spirit. It's no secret that I don't like where I live, and that my heart is (and will always be) in Beaufort, SC. So since Breeze is on Spring Break this week, we took the opportunity to go back home, recharge the batteries, and rejuvenate the soul. Even though it was only the halfway point of the trip to paradise, I felt a huge weight lift when I saw THIS.

The closer we got, the better I felt. I seriously had to choke back tears of joy and relief when I saw THIS. Going home was *that* emotional for me.

By the time we arrived and got checked in to the hotel, I was completely exhausted. Nevermind that, though. I *had* to go see things. I had to see the marshes, the rivers, the moss in the oaks. I had to smell the salty air and feel the wind in my hair. This is the bridge that goes from downtown over to Lady's Island.

The next day (after a good night's sleep), we ventured out for shopping, catching up with friends, and lunch. If you EVER find yourself in this slice of heaven, you *must* go HERE.

It's just a tiny little unassuming place that most people wouldn't give a second glance. But we locals (and a few tourists who know the right questions to ask) know what a treasure awaits inside. At lunch time, a parking spot is prime real estate. They make THE best sandwiches you'll EVER have the pleasure of tasting. This was my choice for the day. Roast beef and turkey. Alvin Ord's simply CAN'T be beat.

Another *must* if you're in the area is the Chocolate Tree. *gasp* Just walking in the door is enough to make you breathe heavier. All their chocolates are made there on site, and if you time it right, you can watch them making it. While we were there, one of them had whipped up something new and came out into the store for patron opinions. It's not everyday you turn around to a stranger wearing a huge white hat and apron, holding a gigantic whisk, saying "Taste this."

We met up with friends while we were there, took over 200 pictures, shopped, and dragged ourselves away at the end of our stay. We got home Wednesday evening, and I'm homesick already. I'm counting down the days. Just over two years, and I'm home for good.